Ty Howard SeminarsTM One-On-One Professional Speaker
Business Success Coaching Terms

  • Would you be happy to have a successful speaker business, business strategist holding-your-hand as you move forward in developing and growing your business?
  • Would it make your life less stressful to know that whenever a moment of fear, uncertainty or doubt hit you, in your speaking business, that you have a reliable Speaker Business Coach to call on for an encouraging or empowering word?
  • Would it be beneficial for you to know – continuously – before hand, what the next step and level is for your speaking business?

If you answered “YES” to one or more of the above questions, then Ty Howard’s One-On-One Speaker Business Success Coaching is designed for YOU!

Speaker Business Success Coaching Terms of Service – Guidelines and Agreement

Speaker Business Success Coaching Guidelines:


I have positive expectations for a coaching relationship that helps you to create and grow the Paid Professional Speaking Business YOU want to build. To partner together professionally, I want you to be familiar with the following guidelines.

Terms of Coaching:
I invite you to think of Business Success Coaching as a process. Many people create change for themselves in a short time. However, to refine and sustain the change takes several months. Although not binding, I would ask that you expect our Coaching relationship to last at least 3 months.

My Success Coaching fee is due by the 3rd day of each month, payable to InspiraGen Institute, LLC or Ty Howard. If you pay by credit card, I will go ahead and autocharge you at the beginning of each month that you wish to continue. I don’t process the charge until the 3rd day of the month, so there is plenty of time to let me know if you don’t wish to continue.

Your Success Coaching fee includes:
Three (3) scheduled calls per month, each for 40-50 minutes (generally, sessions will be held the first, second and fourth week of each month, with any intervening weeks used for more challenges and trying things out on your own), unlimited e-mails between sessions; and unlimited short (5-10 minute) calls as needed to report emergent problems or successes. Please email me at info@tyhowardseminars.com and let me know when to call you if you have some news. You can also call me at (443) 982-7582, but sometimes you will get my answering machine, as I am frequently busy with calls! Email is usually the fastest way to reach me.

I will call you at the specified time. If you wish to connect with me in between sessions with a challenge, a success experience or an inquiry, I will make every attempt to respond to your e-mail at info@tyhowardseminars.com within 24 hours, with an email or short phone call at your discretion. I’m happy to provide this extra level of service at no additional charge.

If you need to reschedule our appointment, please give me 24 hours notice. Unless there is an emergency or illness, if you do not show up (answer) for a scheduled call, we will not make up that time. If I need to reschedule, I will give you at least 24 hours notice as well, barring an emergency or illness.

If I ever say or do anything that upsets you or doesn’t feel right, please bring it to my attention so that we can resolve it as soon as possible. My objective is to have a Coaching relationship that is fully open, honest, real and trusting in our communication styles. We should both realize that communication via telephone or email entails extra challenges since we can not see body language, facial expressions, etc. Therefore we give each other plenty of latitude, and promptly ask for clarification if there is a mis-connection.

Speaker Business Success Coaching Agreement


I agree to serve as your Speaker Business Success Coach – to partner with you to identify and achieve your personal and/or professional speaker business goals.

As your Success Coach, I cannot guarantee results. You will create significant and powerful results by having the courage and determination to follow-through on the action plans you and I develop for you.

During the time we spend together in our Coaching sessions, I will devote my time, thoughts, and energy to you, exclusively. In between our sessions, I may not be instantly available, as I may be attending to others, or my own business success. I will however, always attempt to be available within 24 hours.

I am a Speaker Business Success Coach, not a psychotherapist or physician, and I am not trained in diagnosing psychological or medical conditions, If any issues come up for you that should be handled by a licensed therapist or physician, I insist that you must attend to your health contacting the appropriate professional.

As your Success Coach, I will bring attentive listening, understanding, belief in you and commitment to your success. You can expect me to challenge you, offer fresh perspectives, make requests (including assigning homework), acknowledge your wins, and guarantee the utmost confidentiality (to the fullest extent of the law, and so long as I don’t fear for your or another’s safety) in our empowering, sacred relationship.


I am motivated and committed to taking action on my determined personal and professional speaker business goals. I realize that anything less than my intentional full participation will not lead to my desired success.

I accept full responsibility for myself and any actions I take that might result from Coaching.

I can financially afford the Speaker Business Success Coaching fee at this time. I agree to pay promptly on the 1st day of the month for that month’s fee.

I agree not to take any legal action against Ty Howard, InspiraGen Institute, LLC, Ty Howard SeminarsTM or any of its affiliates or affiliate companies based on any matter relating to the Speaker Business Success Coaching relationship or his performance of services within it.

I have read and agree with the Speaker Business Success Coaching Guidelines and the Speaker Business Success Coaching Agreement.

Best Wishes in 2023—and beyond,
Ty Howard

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Business Office Phone: 443-982-7582